
Tactical Strategies, LLC

  • Consultants
78 Clover Ln , Suite 300
Brewer, ME 04412
(207) 945-7838
(888) 481-5831
6:00a - 6:00p

About Us

Most business owners are sitting on a gold mine, not a land mine. Yet many owners feel the weight of what we call Business Owner Poverty. They give everything they have to the business, to their read more
  • About

    Most business owners are sitting on a gold mine, not a land mine. Yet many owners feel the weight of what we call Business Owner Poverty. They give everything they have to the business, to their customers, their employees, their families, and yet they have little left for themselves. Some owners have thriving businesses, but their growth has outpaced their resources. Others are struggling, but they won’t give up. The one thing all business owners understand is that PROFIT changes everything.

    Tactical Strategies, LLC exists to help business owners generate profits from within their businesses, increase revenue, decrease costs, streamline operations, and even increase the value of their organizations. We utilize four things to accomplish this:

    1. A team that has decades of experience in developing and leading very successful companies, and decades of coaching other business owners to have similar success,
    2. Our proprietary software, PROFIT MAX! This software is built on the sequential and systematic use of half-a-billion business-specific algorithms,
    3. As a compliment to PROFIT MAX! we have a proprietary AI, that focuses solely on business operations, trends within specific business segments, and current industry information,
    4. And Most Importantly, partnership with the business owners, who possess critical insight into their company, its potential and the hard-fought lessons that have been learned through since the day they formed their company!

    This is what we do every day, and we love doing it!

    Let’s do this together, for your business.

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