
Maine Forest & Logging Museum, aka Leonard's Mills

  • Nonprofit Organizations/Associations
  • Hospitality
  • Museums
262 Government Rd.
Bradley, ME 04411
(603) 321-0230
Grounds open daily for walks (donations), buildings open for events as scheduled (admission fees)

About Us

Maine Forest and Logging Museum celebrates Maine’s rich forestry and logging history through education, demonstration, preservation, and conservation; fostering curiosity and enjoyment for all ages; read more
  • About

    Maine Forest and Logging Museum celebrates Maine’s rich forestry and logging history through education, demonstration, preservation, and conservation; fostering curiosity and enjoyment for all ages; and inspires & encourages others to join our efforts.

    Maine Forest and Logging Museum at Leonard's Mills is dedicated to preserving Maine's logging history and sharing it in a 'living history' format. Volunteers restore and demonstrate old equipment.

  • Media

  • Whom to Contact

    • Mike Wetherbee
      Presdent of the Board
  • Directions

    Located a mile down the Government Road, off Rte. 178, Bradley. Approx. 9 miles north of Brewer/Bangor. Take Rte. 9 in Brewer.

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